
 Hi there! My name is Mayci Edwards and I am a 3rd grade teacher in Carbondale, Illinois. This is my first-year teaching and I cannot believe it is already my spring break! This year I have been overwhelmed with excitement. The bond and memories I have created with my first group of students will always hold a special spot in my heart.

I love using technology in my classroom and I have learned so many new ways to implement it from Dominican University. This is my last course before I earn my Master's! I'm excited to learn new ideas in EDU 790 this spring. 

For this blog post, I will be sharing the relationship I have with social media as a Gen Z. Below are some of my profile pictures on my personal social media pages. 

This is my profile picture for my Instagram and Twitter/X accounts. This picture is two years old and I should probably update my profile pictures soon. However, I regularly use Instagram and check what friends are posting a few times throughout the day. I used to post quite a bit on Instagram, but now I rarely do. Most of the time, I post if I went on a trip or did something fun with my friends! I love staying up to date with all my hometown friends and college friends on Instagram. My Instagram was public, but when I student taught I changed the settings to private. Before getting my 3rd grade job, I was an in-house substitute for my school district. I had students ranging from Pre-K to 8th grade and did not want the junior high kids following my Instagram page!

Once TikTok was created I feel like I use Twitter/X very little now. Occasionally, I will get on Twitter to see what has been posted or if I have any notifications. I loved Twitter in middle school and high school! I have noticed a lot of my friends do not use it anymore either. This account is still public because I don't make regular posts and most students do not have this app. I have never had a student try and follow this account. 

This is my Facebook profile picture! I shared this picture to my friends and family when I graduated SIU Carbondale in December 2022. This was one of my favorite pictures that was taken when I took pictures around campus. This profile picture could use an updated picture soon too! Also, I hardly post on Facebook unless if it's a life update to my friends and family. However, I do share things on Facebook whether it's one of my cousins hitting school records in basketball or posts my school shares.

Some other social media apps I use on the daily are Snapchat and Pinterest. I use Snapchat quite a bit to send pictures or videos to my friends throughout the day. I use Pinterest for styling my house, clothing, and for teaching! I always find lots of great ideas on there. However, I do not use it has a social media to communicate with others. I simply use it to learn new ideas. 

Overall, I am always using social media whether in my personal or professional life! They way I use it definitely has many advantages and benefits! I also have a class Instagram page to interact with parents and share pictures from school. This allows me to enter a digital world to learn more about my students and their families. I love seeing what they do on the weekends! It definitely allows me to build stronger connections and relationships with my students and their families. 


  1. Hi Mayci, congratulations on almost having your master's completed! That is a huge accomplishment while also in your first year of teaching. You are so right that the first year sticks with you. With your master's are you hoping to be a school librarian in the future?

    You did a great job breaking down the social media you use and how that has changed over time. It is interesting to see which sites stick around and which fall into a fad category that are now obsolete. It sounds like you have a nice balance of using social media for personal use and professional with your class IG. I look forward to learning with you!

  2. Hello, Mayci! Thank you for the introduction about what your current role is and your relationship with social media. Congrats on being so close to graduation! It was fantastic to hear how you have a classroom Instagram page. Do your parents comment on it at all?


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