Technology Privacy
Privacy in Technology
With the uprise in technology and social media there are more concerns regarding privacy concerns and precautions. Almost everyone has a form of interaction with the internet and technology. Schools across the country begin introducing and integrating technology within the classroom. Most households also have some form device whether it's a phone, iPad, tablet, computer, or television. Although most people have technology and internet access in their lifetime, they may have little knowledge on how to ensure personal privacy. This week I will be sharing some tips on how to increase privacy in technology. I will also share somethings that I have learned through researching this interesting topic.
Online Privacy Matters
I learned lots of valuable information from reading this article on TED. While reading the lengthy article I began to get concerned on how much I don't know about privacy within technology. The article started off suggesting putting a Band-Aid or sticker on the webcam of my computer. I have read things before where someone's computer webcam could be hacked, but in my head this has never occurred to me that I could be the one being watched. Honestly, that makes me feel uncomfortable. I've always thought if my webcam does not have a green light on then I am fine! However, according to the article I was wrong. Footage can be captured on the computer without the light being visible. As I continued to read, I started to feel more at ease because I use Apple devices. It was brought to my awareness that Apple has a fantastic security system that protects our privacy. With that being said, not everyone uses Apple devices whether that is there personal preference or they simply cannot afford to pay for the expensive devices. The article states, "This isn't just a privacy issue or a cyber security issue. It's really and insure of equality and racial justice...using devices that do nothing to protect them from surveillance, and the rich and powerful are using devices that make them essentially off-limits to the government, that creates a system of surveillance inequality."
The Next Privacy Info
So... I listened to a Podcast about privacy information on Facebook. The Podcast started talking about ads. This was taking about that Facebook ads were informing users on things they were talking about or looking things up that were talked about in conversations. This Podcast was also talking about Facebook Pixel. This means that Facebook knows the websites that were being looked at and things things you were thinking about purchasing. To me this is scary because we don't know what all Facebook has access to or other social media platfroms. Basically, they are buying access to all this data-base that attributes to buying access to what you have interest to. I have noticed recently when I have things I want to buy I continuously have ads from Facebook to buy the products. This makes me wonder like many others what exactly the website can hear. Honestly, this information I gained from the Podcast was certainly alarming. If you want to learn more here is the Podcast to listen to! Just listen because Facebook knows more about you than you even know! They share that the microphone is on and that they can hear everything.
Tips to Protect Yourself
Read more to learn about the protection for your online data privacy with this article. First you need to browse in an anonymous mode. It also shares to change your default search with a privacy-focused search engine. If you are searching information on the web, it would be beneficial to enforce browse security with extensions. It also suggests to not use public storages for private information. Secure your passwords and stay on private Wi-Fi networks. Lastly, evade tracking on websites, and update your privacy settings on social media! I believe using these tips will help protect your personal privacy on social media.
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