Trends in Ed Tech

 Trends in Ed Tech

Welcome back! Today, I will be sharing some information on trends in ed tech from an ISTE article. This article explains eight different trends that are happening now with technology in education. I will be focusing on games for learning in schools. However, if you would like to explore the other seven trends in ed tech click here! As a 3rd grade teacher, I found games for learning the most interesting for my age of students. In the video below, I will be sharing how I use technology games in my classroom to enhance student learning in all subjects. 


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Follow Up

This video shares how I use Prodigy and Freckle in my classroom. I use these websites to enhance student learning that is individualized to their levels in reading and math. I forgot to mention in the video when I use these websites. I allow my students to use these resources when they finish assignments or during free-choice. I also assign work on Prodigy and English and may direct them to get on their during class time. 

Additional Resources

-This link provides more information on Prodigy and will most likely answer any questions you may have! It is definitely a great resource to have in the classroom for elementary students. Prodigy math is aimed for grades 1-8 and Prodigy english is for grades 1-5. 

-This link directs you to the Freckle website. Here you can read more about freckle and become more educated on this awesome educational resource.

Another great digital resource for classrooms is Kahoot! It's a great way to see student understanding for a quick check or review game. There is a time-limit on questions but for younger grades, I suggest to make the time longer. This will allow them to pause and think to get the answer correct.

This website shares research and different ways to teach students using game-based learning. Playing educational games allows student to be engaged in lessons and allows students to collaborate together. Learn more by visiting this article!

This article shares what game-based learning means and all the benefits students gain. Not only does this article share digital games, but it also shares how board games can be used in the classroom for learning as well!

This article mentions how games can prompt motivation, attentiveness, problem-solving, language development, self-esteem boosting, increased class cooperation, and memory workout! This article is a great read for an educator to implement games in their classroom. 


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