Mapping My Digital Space

Photo Source: GIPHY

Weekly Update

Hi everyone! I hope your week is going great so far. We are halfway there, keep pushing through. My classroom vibes have been amazing this week. My students have their routines down and are already showing so much growth in completing assignments and learning new concepts! I have parent/teacher conferences tomorrow night until 8:00. Then looking forward to a half day on Friday. 

Topic of the Week

This week I am analyzing my digital space and how I use it in my personal and professional life. To begin this blog, I looked into a concept from David White. In this post, David shares the difference between and online visitor and an online resident. He states, "In visitor mode individuals do not leave any social trace online. Much online activity is undertaken in this mode." In other words, if an individual is a online visitor, they only use it to engage in research. This could be a simple Google search, then once they find their answer or become knowledgable, they would get off the internet. Whereas, an online resident is interacting with others through a digital platform. He expresses, "when in resident mode the individual is going online to connect to, or to be with, other people. This mode is about social presence." What does your digital space look like, are you a visitor or resident?

Life of an Online Resident

I am 100% an online resident. As a 22 year old educator, I engage in many social media platforms in my professional and personal life. I'm usually up-to-date on all the social media trends. Below you will find a map of my digital space. However, I want to share how I use some of my social media accounts. I have had the same Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, and Twitter accounts since 2013. With that being said, these accounts have shared my experience growing up. These social media accounts allow me to engage with my friends and family and see what they are doing throughout the day. I also watch videos on TikTok. As an educator, I would say I am on Teacher TikTok. I save videos of different teaching strategies for teaching and classroom management. I have recently made an Instagram account for my classroom. This allows parents to follow and see pictures of the kids learning throughout the week (of course with parent-consent). I use Remind in school to communicate with parents daily. This platform is basically like texting, but without using my personal phone number. During the day, I usually do not get on social media when I am working during the day. However, if I need a brain break during lunch or plan periods I often check my Snapchat and Instagram. When I get home from work most days I also scroll through my phone to see what my friends and family are up to. Also, at night I watch TikToks, if I'm not reading or grading. I enjoy sharing funny videos with my friends.
Photo Source: Author

See you next week!

My highlight this week was during a science lesson about inherited traits. We were discussing that you inherit traits from your parents such as dimples and freckles. Then I had a curious third grader ask me, "Why does my dad have lines on his forehead?" My first thought- WRINKLES. I had to explain to my class as you get older your skin loosens and eventually you may have something called wrinkles. Do you have any highlights from this week? 


  1. Hey Mayci! It seems like we have a fairly similar history with technology. Personally, I use many of the same apps as you and have had them since middle school (thankfully I have been able to delete most of the old posts from those times because... yikes hahaha) I love how you have an Instagram for your class - I need to poll my students and see if that would be a good way to communicate and connect with them outside the classroom!

  2. It's evident that you are a full-fledged online resident, fully immersed in the digital landscape. As a 22-year-old educator, you've seamlessly integrated technology into both your professional and personal life. During work hours, your focus is on your students and teaching, with social media use typically reserved for breaks or lunch periods. This discipline ensures productivity in your professional role. You have a balanced engagement with technology.

  3. Hi Mayci!
    I feel like I'm really missing out on a lot by not having a TikTok account with the amount of teacher TikTok accounts there are out there. Remind has been a saving grace for me when it comes to communicating with my students. It's such a great resource that every teacher should try and implement.


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